Select a league in the menu for additional information.
All leagues are "non-checking", we all have to go to work in the morning!

Click here to go to the rules page for a complete list of the rules and regulations.

Available Leagues

-C Lite (players rated 2-4)
-C Lager (players rated 3-5)
-C Ale (players rated 4-5)
-C Pilsner (players rated 4-6)
-C IPA (players rated 5-7)
-C Stout (players rated 6-8)
-B League (players rated 6-9)

-Never Ever League (for the true beginner, players rated 1-3)


-W League (for Women rated 2-5)
-Morning Skate (players rated 4-7)
-ATP League (Age To Perfection Tuesday League, players rated 3-7)

-Almost 30 League (players rated 5-7)
-D League (players rated 2-4)

-Z League (Never Ever Graduates, players rated 2-3)
-ATP League (Age To Perfection League, players rated 3-7)

-Morning Skate (players rated 5-9)

-Saturday Night Fever (players rated 2-5)

How would you be rated?

1 True beginner, cannot skate, doesn’t really understand hockey
2 Weak skating ability, but is starting to understand hockey
3 Limited skating ability, understands hockey
4 Decent skating ability, understands hockey
5 Has organized youth experience or skates better than average, knows where to be on the ice
6 High School or Midget experience
7 Has lower division college experience
8 Has played juniors or division I
9 Has played at a professional level

Stacks Image 1996