Tuesday Morning Skate League
The Tuesday morning skate is a little slower pace than the Friday morning skate. Basically the league is a closed pickup where we will cap the number of attendees to get a two team “sticks-in-a-pile” skate.
We shoot for 24 to 28 participants with 3 to 4 goalies.
We shoot for 24 to 28 participants with 3 to 4 goalies.
• 12 Week Season
• Played on Tuesday mornings 6am
• 60 minute on ice
• Played on Tuesday mornings 6am
• 60 minute on ice
• Winter 25 - December 17th thru March 18th (off 12/24 & 31)
• Winter 25 - December 17th thru March 18th (off 12/24 & 31)
• All players need to have a current USA Hockey #, available from https://usahockey.com